Migration – Ethical & Practical considerations.

My kind and generous sister Josie Glausiusz has  for the last few months been traveling to Lod every Sunday evening to help Eritrean asylum seekers fill out an eight-page refugee status determination form. She  suggested that if I was writing a blog on global issues I might like to tackle the issue of migration.  I […]

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Tragedy, Romance & Economics

Much of classical literature revolved around tragedies of one sort or another. Most of modern literature is preoccupied with sex and romance in all their possible permutations. It is a rare book on economics that makes it onto best seller lists. So when the book Capital in the Twenty First Century made it onto the Best […]

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Reforming the EU – Soros etc

There have been quite a variety of intellectuals of one sort or another who have roots in Hungary. My father is one and George Soros is another. In that light I read with some interest George Soros’s  latest article on the subject of Europe. As I have read it his basic contentions is that Europe […]

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Trials of Democracy

Some forty odd years ago I was learning about the British Constitution  in classes taught by  a teacher with the delightfully English name of Woodthorpe Harrison. Maybe because England does not actually have a written Constitution, or for some other reason (I have since heard that his Economics classes were similar) about ninety percent of […]

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Global Lethargy

It is said that Nero fiddled while Rome burned. That may or may not be true but what is undoubtedly true is that the current crop of world leaders are fiddling around, while the world is on a potentially catastrophic pace of heating. Some countries have done  somewhat more than others, however as a group […]

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The Iran Nuclear Deal – What Next

As I grew up in London , which was and probably still is a prime potential target for  soviet nuclear weaponry I have taken a keen interest in the subject of WMD. Living as I do in Israel has also contributed to my interest in the subject. In that light I will set out my […]

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